Wednesday, November 25, 2009


So I'm going with a couple of my youth tonight to see New Moon. (Sigh) I know, I know this takes me down a few notches on the manliness meter, I'll have to go shoot something, or blow something up, or sit on a couch for a few hours and watch football... Somehow that third option doesn't seem as fulfilling... Anyways, I saw the first one when it came out and I was less than impressed. My main problem? Besides the fairy sparkles on vampires in daylight, was the scene where Edward is running through the woods with Bella (I had to look  her name up on wikipedia, that's how much I flipping love this movie) on his back. That was the worst special effects I've seen in a recently released movie. With all of the super hero movies that have come out in recent years and the progresses in technology it was pathetic. It was like being used to eating Baconators and then being given a McDonalds Nig & Nasty that's been under heat lamps for hours, except replace big & Nasty with fairy glitter, and heat lamps with screaming girls that need punched in the spleen... But through all that I'm still going to see New Moon. Thankfully it's in the middle of the week so it may not be too bad, and opening weekend is over so there shouldn't be any need for spleen punching. We'll see how this goes. In case I've bored you once again, he's a video by Jake Rutenbar from Saddleback to make things better.


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