Wednesday, January 6, 2010

"The Word of God"

Okay, let's continue with the contraversial train shall we? I have a friend who made a point recently on something I never bothered questioning. He said, "The Bible's not 'the Word of God' No where in scripture does it refer to itself as such" I just thought it was something pretty trivial to worry about, but apparently others don't think so. I haven't done a whole lot of study on it as of yet, but I thought I would open things up for disscussion. What are your thoughts on the subject?


  1. THEN WHY IS SOME TEXT IN RED? Did they run out of black ink and just used red, or is that all editor comments that they decided to leave in the new versions?

    When it comes to trivial in my opinion, I think being called the word of God isn't trivial. To me (A marketing major) it is something that was used as a branding technique. Looking back at time there were alot of cults, and religions, and beliefs and everyone was claiming they were right and their message was the truth. But with the Bible calling it "The word of God" is straight branding. I don't remember the term now, but it is like how we have "Band-Aids" but are rely supposed to be called "Adhesive-Bandage Strips" Because the bible was branded as the Word of God people think of the Bible and vice versa. So if someone was to say "I have the word of God" and it wasn't the bible, people would not accept it.

    By branding it this way, it would also help the church during the middle ages. When other people would preach their beliefs it would fall on deaf ears because they did not have “The word of God.” They can say they believe in God and have their own set of scriptures but what could sound better then “the word of God”. It was near impossible to get any type of market penetration when going against the church that has “the word of God”.

    Also by keeping it called “the word of God” you have access to doing multi-branding with the Bible if you think about it. Just like there is Pepsi and Diet Pepsi there is the original transcripts and the new King James Version. Same great message just not as many calories

  2. I'm pretty sure it's called 'The Word of God' because the words are God's. The Bible has 'God spoke' over ten times, 'God says' over 40 times and 'Thus said the Lord' over 400 times.



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